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The research and experience of leading trauma experts make it clear — to fully overcome deep trauma wounds, you must address trauma's impact on the body.

But too many clinicians have not been trained to work with the subtle cues of posture, facial expression, eye gaze, and movement that can serve as our guides to deep healing.

That's why we've gathered some of the world's leading somatic therapy experts for this unique and highly practical online course.

Join world-leading trauma experts Janina Fisher, Pat Ogden, Resmaa Menakem, Abi Blakeslee, and Manuela Mischke-Reeds to master skills from some of the field's most powerful somatic therapies — including Somatic Experiencing®, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, and Hakomi.

Through exclusive dialogues, real-world therapy demonstrations, and experiential training sessions, you'll learn key interventions that work with today's complex cases...

...including early developmental trauma, collective trauma, racialized trauma, trauma numbing and shutdown, and more.


Register today and you'll walk away prepared to offer your clients the experience of significant trauma relief — so they can feel safe and confident that they've finally put the trauma behind them.


Somatic Therapy for Trauma Treatment

Healing attachment, racial, and collective trauma through the body
$935.92 Value
Just $199.99 Today — DON'T MISS THIS SAVINGS!
Plus, earn up to 13.5 CE Hours included in the course tuition.
Click here for Credit details

Presented in EN, subtitles in EN and FR, handouts in EN and FR

What leading experts say about the Somatic Therapies you'll learn in this Course:
"I regularly observe the pleasure of trauma completion when I practice Sensorimotor Psychotherapy and Somatic Experiencing®."
Bessel A. van der Kolk, MD, NYT bestselling author of The Body Keeps the Score
"Weaving Sensorimotor Psychotherapy into therapy helps
unify the body and mind in the treatment of trauma."
Daniel J. Siegel, MD, author of The Developing Mind: How Relationships and the Brain Interact to Shape Who We Are
"Somatic Experiencing® changed the world of trauma treatment. It is no longer alternative fringe practice
but became a major player in the world of the mainstream psychotherapies."
Diana Fosha, PhD, director of The AEDP Institute
"Hakomi is a treasure trove of therapeutic wisdom gleaned from a wide spectrum of
orientations that represent the best that psychology has to offer."
Louise Sundararajan, PhD, EdD, Past President of APA

In this unique online course, master therapists Janina Fisher, Pat Ogden, Resmaa Menakem, Abi Blakeslee, and Manuela Mischke-Reeds will guide you to:
  • Apply SE® interventions to create a vibrant experience of resilience and wholeness
  • Integrate Sensorimotor Psychotherapy skills to masterfully resolve traumatic memory
  • Work with your client's nervous system to rebound from trauma and overwhelm
  • Leverage Hakomi's gentle interventions to overcome emotional defenses from trauma
  • Recognize the stress signs and symptoms of racialized trauma
  • Identify emotional and somatic numbing as a trauma survival skill that can be overcome with compassion and care
  • Expertly identify and reduce traumatic triggers

Included in this Engaging & Innovative Course
Bringing the Body into Therapy: Clinical Tools from Relationship Repair
and Somatic Experiencing®
with Abi Blakeslee, PhD, MFT, CMT, SEP
Pulling from the latest developments in Somatic Experiencing® and neuroplasticity, this session will equip you with body-oriented interventions for treating early developmental trauma as well as helping clients improve nervous-system regulation and repair relationships.

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: Body Oriented Therapy Techniques for Trauma and Attachment
with Pat Ogden, PhD
In this session, join Sensorimotor Psychotherapy founder Pat Ogden to learn how to tap into the body itself for profound therapy outcomes. Discover how to interpret the story of suffering told by the “somatic narrative” — including gesture, posture, prosody, facial expressions, eye gaze, and movement — and how that can be the most significant part of the healing journey.

Treating Collective Trauma with Hakomi: Listening to the Body
with Manuela Mischke-Reeds, MA, LMFT, CHT
Discover how to facilitate trauma healing by incorporating one of the pioneer somatic and mindfulness integration approaches. By learning how to tune into your somatic awareness, you can help clients untangle the complex area where individual and collective trauma meet — and learn techniques to stay attuned and somatically grounded to effectively work with trauma.

The Modern Abolitionist
with Resmaa Menakem, MSW, LICSW, SEP
In this session, join Resmaa Menakem, popular trainer, speaker, and bestselling author of My Grandmother's Hands, to explore how intergenerational trauma from brutal past experiences continue to cause pain today. He'll offer a road map for learning how to slow down enough to discern, in ourselves and others, historical from personal pain — and the role we may be unwittingly playing in keeping the effects of racism alive in our bodies.

Helping Clients Who Can't "Feel"
with Janina Fisher, PhD
Nothing defeats a therapist more than a client who's numb or disconnected. How can we help clients like this deepen into the work of therapy?
This session offers a body-centered approach to helping clients access emotion and connection that can't be defeated by numbing. You'll learn to use simple movements and sensations as a therapeutic entry point to help clients appreciate how their bodies prevent them from experiencing the emotions they're entitled to feel.
Somatic Therapy for Trauma Treatment
Healing attachment, racial, and collective trauma through the body
$935.92 Value
Just $199.99 Today — DON'T MISS THIS SAVINGS!
Plus, earn up to 13.5 CE Hours included in the course tuition.
Click here for Credit details

Presented in EN, subtitles in EN and FR, handouts in EN and FR

And we're throwing in this amazing bonus COMPLETELY FREE!
As our gift to you for elevating your practice, you'll get:
Hope for Treatment-Resistant Depression: A Sensorimotor Approach to Change
with Janina Fisher, PhD
The very nature of depression often thwarts efforts to treat it. Using interventions from Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, this bonus session will introduce ways to help clients relate to their depressive symptoms mindfully, rather than identifying with them. You'll learn how to manage physical symptoms through changes in posture, breath, and energy and discover how to:
  • Help clients separate depressive thoughts from physical symptoms so that each can be treated separately
  • Counter-cognitive beliefs that reinforce depressive states by experimenting with new words, new actions, and new habits
  • Use body-centered interventions, such as movement, to increase energy and focus in depressed clients
  • Facilitate the development of an “antidepressant lifestyle” rather than habitual engagement in the opposite

Meet Your Expert Faculty
Janina Fisher

Janina Fisher, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist and a former instructor at Harvard Medical School. An international expert on the treatment of trauma, she's an advisory board member of the Trauma Research Foundation and the author of Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors: Overcoming Self-Alienation, Transforming the Living Legacy of Trauma: a Workbook for Survivors and Therapists, and The Living Legacy Instructional Flip Chart.

Click here for information about Janina Fisher.

Pat Ogden

Pat Ogden, PhD, (she/her), Is a pioneer in somatic psychology, the creator of the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy method, and founder of the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute. Dr. Ogden is a clinician, consultant, international lecturer, and the first author of two groundbreaking books in somatic psychology: Trauma and the Body: A Sensorimotor Approach to Psychotherapy and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: Interventions for Trauma and Attachment (2015). Her third book, The Pocket Guide to Sensorimotor Psychotherapy in Context, advocates for an anti-racist perspective in psychotherapy practice. Her current interests include couple therapy, child and family therapy, social justice, diversity, inclusion, consciousness, and the philosophical/spiritual principles that underlie her work.

Click here for information about Pat Ogden.

Resmaa Menakem

Resmaa Menakem, MSW, LICSW, SEP, is a Senior Fellow at Meadows Behavioral Healthcare where he has built an intensive training curriculum for staff on cultural somatics and racialized trauma.

As a Community Care Counselor, he managed the wellness and counseling services for civilians on fifty-three US military bases in Afghanistan. Resmaa studied and trained at Peter Levine's Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute, as well as with Dr. David Schnarch (author of the bestselling Passionate Marriage).

He currently teaches workshops on Cultural Somatics for audiences of African Americans, European Americans, and police officers. He is also a therapist in private practice.

Click here for information about Resmaa Menakem.

Manuela Mischke-Reeds

Manuela Mischke-Reeds, MA, LMFT, CHT, is a somatic psychotherapist, international teacher of Somatic Psychology, author, and consultant. She is the founder of Embodywise and co-director of Hakomi California. Manuela is the founder of ISITTA trauma training. Her trauma teachings are grounded in an inside-out approach that utilizes the depth of the body's innate healing capacity. Manuela is the author of several books, including 125 Somatic Psychotherapy tools for Trauma and Stress (PESI 2018) and 8 Keys to Practicing Mindfulness: Practical Strategies for Emotional Health and Well Being (W.W. Norton 2015).

Click here for information about Manuela Mischke-Reeds.

Manuela Mischke-Reeds

Abi Blakeslee, PhD, MFT, CMT, SEP, is the founder of Implicit Psychotherapy. She's faculty at the Somatic Experiencing International and additionally legacy faculty for Dr. Peter Levine's Ergos Institute for Somatic Education. She's the co-founder of Relationship Repair.

Click here for information about Abi Blakeslee.
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Register for Somatic Therapy for Trauma Treatment: Healing attachment, racial, and collective trauma through the body, completely risk-free.

We're confident you'll find this learning experience to be all that's promised, and maybe even more than you expected. But if you're not completely satisfied with the course, Contact Us.
Somatic Therapy for Trauma Treatment
Healing attachment, racial, and collective trauma through the body
$935.92 Value
Just $199.99 Today — DON'T MISS THIS SAVINGS!
Plus, earn up to 13.5 CE Hours included in the course tuition.
Click here for Credit details

Presented in EN, subtitles in EN and FR, handouts in EN and FR

NOTE: No additional discounts or coupons may be applied to this course.
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